Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Octopus In the Room

So, the other day I picked up Bronwyn from school and as we were headed home she asks this question: "Mom, what are tentacles?" My response: "The arms on an octopus." Bronwyn: "No, I meant, what are testicles?" My response: "Hehehehe!"

Now, this conversation is my fault. I know all the experts say that you are supposed to teach your kids the correct names for all their parts. But I have a bit of a hard time calling what she has a, you know, and the boy stuff just honestly hadn't come up yet (no pun intended). So, of course, my next response is: "Where did you hear that word?" Her response, of course, is: "At school. Carli says it means, uh uh no way. Is that what it means?"

What??? Carli clearly has some whacked out information, so now it's up to me to set the record straight. But how do you describe to a five year old what the heck testicles are? Fortunately, she does have a younger brother that takes baths with her. So, my wonderfully vivid description goes something like this: "You know how Boaz's private bottom had a little stick part and a round part? Well, the round part is the testicles."

Wow. I hope I don't get any hate mail from other kindergarten parents. It's times like these I wish we lived on a farm. I don't think farm parents have to have these types of conversations with farm kids.


bethany said...

this is only the beginning, but it sure makes for funny candor.I'm glad you'll be filling us in on the happenings in the Wright home and otherwise.

Marcy Faye Hallden said...

I'm glad you don't use the real names--that's SO boring really!

amy wright said...

Yay! Didn't know that you were on here.

I think that I'm not logged in under our account.