Well, the first day of the Break featured a wonderful little snow storm. I left work that day giddy as a, well kid, and let big fat snow flakes land on my tongue as I walked to my car. We snuggled in that night with a fire, very likely our last of the season. By noon the next day all the evidence of snow, or moisture for that matter, was evaporated. And to my great shame I got no pictures of the kids playing in it :(
I had a half hearted goal of keeping the TV off this week. I mostly succeeded.
Kev made the big mistake of falling asleep on the couch. I don't know if you can tell, but his face is covered in glittery play make up.
The things I did not get pics of (other than the snow) include the mostly summer like weather we had for the rest of the week. We played out side for most of the day every day. Bronwyn had some friends over Monday and went to my sister's ranch with her cousins on Tuesday, where she found arrowheads, a cow skull, and was stung by a wasp (how exciting!). She and Boaz each had turns spending the night with grandparents and generally wearing everyone around them out. Boaz fought a fever for the next 2 days. I think he's getting some molars. Thursday they spent with Darni while Ha Hay and I were in Dallas. On Friday I took the kids (my myself!) to Dalhart to see my good friend Haley and her precious little red head Holden. I scared myself half to death on the trip home by forgetting to get gas. I was on E by the time I left Channing and was in no man's land. I stopped at the little store in Vale de Oro that has the ancient gas pumps only to find they both had equally ancient padlocks on them and the price of per gallon was under a dollar. Apparently they haven't sold gas in qutie some time. So, back in the car and pray, pray, pray! I don't know how, but I managed to make it home. We had more friends out for dinner that night, a lazy Saturday the next day, Kev led worship at church on Sunday, and last night we all fell into an exhausted slumber. Well, almost all of us. We put B in bed at 8 but I don't think she went to sleep until after 10. Oh, it was a rude awakening this morning! A preview of weeks to come I guess...summer is just around the corner!
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