My baby is 6! Make that 6 going on 26. If you don't know Bronwyn, you are truly missing out. She is seriously one of the coolest chicks I know. Not only is she extremely beautiful (like sometimes she comes up to me outside to ask a question and the sun hits her eyes just right, and my breath is literally taken away for a second!), but she is hilarious, brilliant, compassionate, curious, thoughtful, well spoken, athletic, adventurous....the absolute total package. Of course, you are also left with an independent free thinker who can already weild a pretty fearsome and argumentative tounge, but life with her is certainly never dull! Because with Bronwyn, you'd just as soon get the girl who is digging up her daddy's flower bed in search of worms to dissect as you would get the girl who is searching for the perfect flowers to braid into her hair for dress up time. And she is just so interesting to talk to. She loves to hear all our stories from our childhoods, but there have been so many nights that she and Kevin have stayed up late discussing the mysteries of the universe and the depths of God's love. And I'm not even close to exaggerating!
Anyway, she wanted to have a "football cheerleader party at the same place she had it last year, which was a cheerleader school that Kev built. It's got bouncy floors, lots of trampolines, and a big foam pit. It's basically just the perfect place to get kids good and worn out!
After the cheerleader school, we headed back home for her "family" party and pizza.
I forgot how close in age Isaac and Bronwyn are. She is 6 days older. I remember going to a concert at Trinity with our babies, but man! They were born right there together.
What a fun birthday. It sounds like you described Bronwyn so well. She must be a sweetheart!
Where is that place? Looks like the perfect place for Hayden to have his b-day party.
That's right Amy! I totally remember that concert! And Amanda, it's Amarillo Cheer Elite on south Georgia. The owner's names are Kent and Anita. Tell them we sent you!
Oh, she sounds like a funny little girl! Where do these kids come from? Happy Birthday, Bronwyn--better late than never! We have some friends here with a baby named that--you are the only other one I know!
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