Serious Kevin: Way back, probably 9 years ago, we went to see Les Miserables with my sister Rachael and her husband Michael. Being the penny-pinching newlyweds we all were, we had sneaked in our own peanut M&Ms. I think I had gotten up to go to the bathroom during intermission when a lady sitting in front of us turned around and started talking to Kev. Rachael overheard the lady asking something along the lines of "How's it going." Kevin proceeding to tell her how "deeply" prophetic the play is; how the priest is such an example of love and the power of unconditional forgiveness or something. The lady then says, in my sister's best nasally rendition, "Oh. Well, I thought I smelled chocolate." So, so classic Kevin.
Silly Kevin:
Like I said, he's a good mix. Well, the other thing about Kevin is his "phases". Again, anyone who knows him very well knows all about these. Like, I just said we had gone to see Les Miserables. We also rented the movie version, the one with Liam Neeson (Yeah, we had the musical sound track and everything. I used to blast it while I was cleaning the house. I'll take this moment to admit that I am a huge dork as well.)We subsequently had to rent every single movie Liam Neeson ever made. From Star Wars to Nell. We, for obvious reasons, refer to this as the Liam Neeson Phase.
There have been other "phases" as well. I remember one in particular had to do with quantum physics and the space time continuum.
Well, now it's talk radio. (Or the car shredder, but I'll save that one for a seperate blog). Now, this is a man that I, in the past, have had to explain genocide in Sudan and the history of Iran Contra to. Now he comes home telling me about Israel bombing th snot out of Gaza or Obama's political appointees. It's down right spooky. This morning he asked me if I thought we could order Fox News from our sattelite company and have it in time for tonight's premiere of Glen Beck's new show. "He's going to be interviewing Sarah Palin you know." What??? This from the guy who I had to practically command to go vote last November.
I think it started because of Boaz. Around 6 months ago, Kevin let Bo play in his truck while he was cleaning out the garage. Our little guy has a particular talent for destruction. In his short little life he has been able to reprogram not only 2 of our phones, but my in-law's as well. And their TV. Actually, I can't remember now if it was him or Bronwyn that set the alarm on their TV to come on every morning at 4am. Anyway, while Boaz was playing in the truck he somehow short circuited all electrical components of the cab. No dome lights, no clock, no radio, no CD player. Bad timing, too, because shortly afterwards Kev started a job in Perryton which meant 2 hours of driving in the morning and 2 hours home. He had to come home, you see, because I had just had Holland a few weeks before and I would have lost my mind if he hadn't. Well, when we got the van I relinquished my keys to the 4-runner to him. I think he was so ecstatic to have a radio again that he's gone a little nuts with it. I mean, come on. AM talk radio? Don't you have to be a little crazy to go there?
Ah well. As with Liam Neeson and the theory of relativity I just tell myself, this too shall pass.
1 comment:
Rell is a "talk radio-er"...which means when he drives, which is always bacause I hate driving, we listen to talk radio. I thought maybe it was a phase he would grow out wasnt, and he hasnt! So I've kind of learned to like Rush and Sean Hannity and Michael Medved....I feel it balances out my love of and The Real World...
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