We're back! The trip was good. No one was injured our lost in the 4 days we were gone. Well, not technically lost anyway. There was one episode in which Boaz got on the elevator by himself. Our room was on the 5th floor. One time we were coming back from the pool and I thought he was right behind me. I sometimes use the "okay, I'm leaving you" tactic to get him to follow me. It usually works. This time, however, he just decided to go for a little joyride. It was a glass elevator, and you could see all the way to to downstairs lobby and into the elevator from the upper levels. That's probably why I didn't have a panic attack. I yelled down to some cowboys who were having a drink that my son was on the elevator. They heard me after about the 4th time. I couldn't find the staircase! Oh, and did I mention I had left Holland screaming in our room? Kevin and B were still at the pool. Thankfully the cowboys rescued him and waited for me on the 2nd floor. When the elevator finally got me from floor 5 and delivered me to them there were about 10 other people waiting for me. They all said, "There she is!" when the doors opened up. Boaz just grinned. No tears, no fear of being with strangers. Just, "mommy!". We had to go down to the ground level before we could go back up. Kev and B were there at that point. Kev just looked at me like, "what are you doing? I thought you were going upstairs?"
Other than that it was a great trip. We got there Thursday evening, had dinner then headed to the pool. Friday the weather was gorgeous and we trekked to the Fort Worth zoo. We hung in that night for more pool time. Saturday we went to the Dallas world Aquarium with what felt like all the other children in Dallas. It was a chilly 35 degrees that day and guess who forgot our coats?! That afternoon we went to the Galleria so Bronwyn could ice skate. My dad treated us to Sushi Saturday night and the kids were surprisingly well behaved. More pool time on Sunday morning and then we headed home. I forgot to take any pics at the hotel, but here are some from everywhere else:The Childress Dairy Queen on the drive down.

The Zoo:

Boaz, looking at the inappropriate Monkey.

I think Pachyderm is a funny name.

Kevin likes to take pictures of me while I'm in the middle of saying something.


What's a trip to Dallas without getting to stop at the Childress DQ?! Looks like you had a great time.
Lexi, I'm delurking & obviously blog-stalking to tell you that the Gymboree blanket with the little lambs on the inside is a staple of Davy's life...as in, we are screwed when we don't have it.
There. I had to get that important tidbit off my chest.
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