Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Damn Straight--A Praise Report

I took Holland to the Healing Rooms at our church Monday night. She has Tortocollis, which even though I am a nurse I had never heard of. All it basically means is that one side of her neck is tighter and pulls her head out of alignment. In Holland's case, it's the right side that is tight. So tight, in fact, that at the time the doctor caught it she could only turn her head left which had made the left side of her head flat. If left untreated, she could end up with a smushed head and "asymmetrical" features. Not a huge deal at all and almost purely cosmetic. But you don't want anything to be wrong with your helpless little baby.

So, the pediatrician wanted her to be evaluated by a physical therapist. Our first appointment was the Monday before Christmas. The PTs name is Sue and she is super sweet. She's been a therapist for almost 30 years, so we feel like we are in good hands. Sue decided that, based on how tight her neck was and the degree of smushed head, Holland needed to come into therapy once a week for an undetermined amount of time. Therapy mostly involves stretching out the neck muscles (which we have to do several times a day at home). Might not sound like much, but Holland HATES it. I hate it too. I usually have to leave the room at least once. If the soft tissues don't respond to the PT, the next step is Botox injections at the site. If her head stays smushed she would have to be in a helmet (which would require many, many trips to Dallas for adjustments and what not). So, obviously, we are motivated to pray the therapy works.

Back to Monday night. I took her to the Healing Rooms to have her prayed for by people who are just trusting God to do what he said he would: heal the sick. A team of three people (all whom I know and dearly love) prayed for her. One of them was a pastor at our church. When they were finished praying for Holland he started praying for me. He said the funniest thing anyone has ever said to me while I was being prayed for. He said, "Alexis, I just feel like I'm supposed to tell you that you are a damn good wife, and a damn good mother. You may just be going through the motions everyday, but God has not forgotten you and He is so enamored with you." Well, that may seem kind of strange, or maybe even kind of stupid, but it was exactly what I needed to hear. Sometimes with 3 kids I just feel so incredibly pulled in all kinds of directions. So much so that I could not possibly be doing any of the 9 million things well. I am so thankful that the Lord is with me, even in the mundane tasks of daily life.

The next day I took Holland back to therapy for her weekly appointment. Sue said she looked MUCH better! She said that Holland's alignment is so straight now that were it not for the smushed head she would never have even known she had had Tortocollis. Praise God! Now, just join me in believing for a round, helmet free noggin!


Rachel Meier said...

Praise the Lord! Alexis, be encouraged that the Lord sees all that you do and is pleased with the desires of your heart. Hang in there Girl, crowns await you on the other side!

Leah Hopkins said...

you ARE a damn good wife and mother! hahaaha i love it!!
Holland will be helmet free and all the glory will be to God!

Amy said...

Sometimes we just need to hear that. Sweet Holland. I will pray for a perfectly round "noggin"!
By the way, the word verification that I have to type in after the comment is "propha". Is that the female word for prophet? Haha

bethany said...


Lezlie Andrew said...

The Lord is GOOD! You really are an inspiration to other Mother's around you. And we don't even have to be around you much to feel blessed by you and your sweet little family that totally exudes the love of Christ. ;)