Thursday, May 21, 2009

Didn't see this one coming

Well, I took Holland to Dallas this morning for what I thought would be one of our last 3 or 4 visits. I'm SO looking forward to getting these trips over with. It may not sound like a big deal, but it is mentally and physically wearing me and Holland out. I usually wake up around 4am and make some coffee, take a quick shower, and have a little breakfast before I wake Holland up 45 minutes later. I nurse her, then get us both dressed and out the door by 5:30 and try really hard not to forget diapers...or the helmet because that would be VERY bad! We check in at the airport ticket counter where they have to print out a boarding pass for her. She's known as the "Thursday Baby" and no matter how much she's yawning or rubbing her eyes, she generously doles out huge smiles for everyone.
If you've never travelled with a baby by yourself let me just tell you it is NOT glamorous. I need about 6 extra arms to hold my boarding passes while taking off my shoes, getting her out of her carseat to go through security (even if she's asleep mind you), and fold up the stroller to put through the little x-ray thingy. Then we have to do the whole process in reverse on the other side of the metal detector. And that's only phase one! We then proceed to the gate to get her stroller tagged and all the while I'm praying that it's not a full flight so I can take the car seat on. Because you see, the downside to having a "babywise" baby is that she very rarely will go to sleep in my arms. Unless I'm nursing her of course, in which case it never fails that some creepy old man sits next to me and wants to chat it up. So, I like to have the car seat in the seat next to me. She fusses (or screams) about it until we start down the runway, and once the jets get to going it's usually lights out. Until the loud ass flight attendant or pilot comes on jabbering about tray tables and altitude and she pretty much bolts awake. I mean, does anyone even listen to them?! Thankfully the flight is only 55 minutes and she does relatively well with the 20 minute cat nap. As we make our decent into Love Field, which usually feels like it takes 30 minutes, I go ahead and nurse her again so she stays happy. We land, I put her back in the carseat, she cries until it's finally my turn to disembark, we wait another 10 minutes for them to bring the stroller up, and we make our way to my Dad or his wife who are picking us up. At this point I begin to sweat. Literally. Because in Amarillo the humidity is normally around 10%. And in Dallas it's around 100%. As soon as we get Holland buckled in and the stroller loaded, I crank up the AC and freeze my driver out. My stepmother told me today that she wears warm clothes when she's going to be picking me up.
And off to the clinic. It's not very far from the airport, but then we have to wait anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes to be seen. We go back to the room, our therapist takes some measurements, they shave a little off the inside of the helmet, and we are on our way again.
Well, today was a bit different. For one thing, our PT Sue went with us. What a blessing! Not only did I have an extra pair of hands, but she stayed with Holland while I went to the bathroom! And I actually had some company. But on a sad note, our therapist in Dallas is leaving. She's moving to California. And on an even sadder note (and now I finally come to the point), she told me today that she thinks Holland may need a second helmet. What??? Not only would that mean shelling out another 3600 bucks, but as I just described, this traveling thing has been no picnic! But she thinks the most we could get out of the current helmet is 4 weeks. And she doesn't think that is going to give her head enough time to fully correct. So, we've got some praying and thinking to do.
On the one hand, her head is SOOO much better. I really don't think that it will be very noticeable when her hair grows out. Her face is almost totally symmetrical, and as I mentioned before her ears are much more aligned. But this wasn't all about cosmetics from the beginning. Kids with plagio can turn into adults with TMJ, migraines, and ear problems because of the jaw and ear misalignment. So, while it is a million times better, that may not be enough. And though the thought of stretching this journey out even further makes my stomach turn, I ultimately want to do the absolute right thing for my baby girl. So, pray for us if you think about it that we would have wisdom and provision. I'll keep you posted.


Anonymous said...

You really had me smiling, almost laughing as I was reading your post. Your description of what it takes to travel with an infant couldn't have been better expressed. Really, I am going to have to go back and read it again!

This said, towards the end, the smile on my face made a U-turn. I was so hoping that Holland would only need one band instead of two. Have they taken progress pictures yet? Have they given you new measurements? Is there no foam left in her band or just not enough to get her within the normal range? I remember that her asymmetry was pretty severe and I am sure that she has come a long way...

I know that you'll do what's right for her, but in the meantime, I'll pray for her and for you guys.


amy wright said...

It really is tough to travel with a baby. You have my sympathies!
I'm sorry about needing another helmet. When you started describing the problems that adults have later on, it sounded like you were describing me. I don't know that it's plagio, but I have all of those symptoms and it can really suck. So...I hope it's all corrected for her and for her future. She's such a beautiful baby girl and y'all are such great parents. I know God will provide both financially if needed and answers. I'll pray for you.

bethany said...

I'm so sorry. We'll be praying for some supernatural change in the next month. very funny post though. I think we all relate with the creepy-guy fear. Your kids look like so much fun and, of course, are beautiful (to be expected though).