Thursday, February 12, 2009

Just Curious...

So, it's pretty obvious that this lady in California who had the octuplets has created quite a stir. I was just reading an article online about the costs invloved. I'm just curious what people think of all this. People I know. What is your opinion? If you don't want to comment on here, email me at

I, for one, am totally fascinated by people who have large families. I guess lots of other people are, too, otherwise we wouldn't have shows like Jon and Kate Plus 8. Our children's pastor at church and his wife are expecting baby boy #6. I talked to another lady last week who just had baby #7 and still wants one more. I really like my kids and all, but 3 is our absolute limit! Maybe for some people the more kids you have, the more patience you inherit. Not me. I find my fuse a bit shorter with each kiddo, unfortunately. When that lady told me it was her seventh child by jaw dropped. She probably thought I was so rude, but I just kept asking her questions! I couldn't help it. I want to know how you feed, clothe, bathe, and do laundry for that many people. Or how you read to, tickle, play with, and discipline them. Not to mention pay to have them. It seems like a lot of folks who have several children are in ministry or non-profit vocations. We are basically self employed and it is all but impossible to get any kind of maternity insurance in these types of jobs. Fortunately for us, if you pay cash upfront our OB doc and our hospital give discounts. That was still $12,000 bucks in 2 years for 2 babies. How do you afford that for 7? I mean, if you're not Brangelina? I'm not trying to be cheeky, I really do want to know what the options out there are. Home birth? Great! Seriously, that's great. But surely that's not free. Right?

As for this California lady, I truly feel sorry for her. Raising 14 children would be extremely difficult for any couple, but how much more for a single mom? I absolutely do not agree with her choices. I think she was selfish, irresponsible, and needs serious mental evaluation. (On a side note, I think it's ironic she is in the mental health field!) But none of that is really relevant now. Now she's in it. Alone. And it's the kids who will pay the price for that. I don't think that punishing her is going to help them out any.

So anyway, what do you think?


Marcy Faye Hallden said...

I am bugged with that lady. It's unfair to purposefully (is that a word?), bring that many infants into the world at once--and not to even have a dad?? Poor, poor children! In her case, it's probably the tax payers who funded her pregnancies!

Michael and Jana said...

There is likely no way she will ever be able to provide financially for her children. While I do believe that she loves her kids and will be emotionally invested in them, the financial strain will have a negative effect on all their lives. I'm so sad about this situation.

Thanks for posting the question. I was curious what "real" people thought too.

amy wright said...

I just realized last night that the mother is single and with no income. It makes me sad, but I'm glad she loves her kids and wants the best for's more than I can say for a lot of mothers that I have come in contact with. But it all still blows my mind.

amy wright said...

I replied to you on my blog...but gave you the wrong web address for Olivia's outfit. It is