Sunday, February 22, 2009

Snip Snip

Well, Kev got "fixed" Friday. No more babies for us! He handled it pretty well. He was extremely nervous going into it, but afterwards he had to admit it wasn't that bad. It was an in office procedure and they gave him something to help him relax a bit. I think the whole thing took about 20 minutes. I for one was chuckling almost the entire time. It's not every day you get to see your husband's legs up in stirrups :) The funniest part was when I ran out to the car to inhale my breakfast croissant (hey, it was supposed to be at 8:30 and it wasn't until 11, I was STARVING). In the hall I passed another one of the uroligists talking with a medical student. When I came back into the room Kevin said, "They asked me if a medical student could watch and I told them I guessed so." To which my reply was, "Oh yeah, I saw her, she's really cute." His look was priceless!!!

As for me, this whole thing is bittersweet. I mean, I don't want any more kids. Three is plenty for us. Our quiver is full. I don't want to be pregnant again, have ridiculous sleep deprivation again, get any more stretch marks, etc... I want to be able to pour everything I have into these children I have been blessed with. I really don't think I could even be an adequate mom to more than 3. I'm just not that good at it!! But I will miss that sweet, new baby smell. That completely floppy little body, and that helpless, almost cute tiny cry. I will sort of miss the feeling of those first little butterfly movements in my belly, and the triumphant feeling after just giving birth. But not enough to do it all again!!

1 comment:

amy wright said...

Way to go Kevin! And I am completely with you. I'll miss all of that sweet newborn baby stuff...but I guess I'll just have to babysit. :)
Oh, and the female intern...poor guy!